Friday, January 7, 2011

What would I tell my younger self?

The other day I read a post from a blog that was found and posted by someone I met in Lethbridge called 3 pieces of advice I'd give my 18 year old self if I could. It's a post about a man who "meets himself" at 18 on a street corner and has 20 minutes of his undivided attention. It got me thinking...if I could go back and visit my younger self what would I say? What advice would I share? If I could choose I would probably choose a younger age...16? Mostly because that's the age I was when I graduated High School and made many important decisions...

I think the first thing I would do was explain to myself how important it is to have confidence. Don't try to be other people, just be yourself, and love who you are. Remember you will always be a better you than anyone else! You are here to make a difference in the world just how you can...not how someone else can.

Next would come "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world" (Original Author Unknown). Never forget this. In life, in school, at'll go through some hard times, but if you always remember that you never know when you'll come across that one person who needs you at that moment it will be easier to make it through your trials.

I would also bear my testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel, and how the teachings may not always be easy to follow, but it's worth it to. This is one thing I struggled with for a while when I was younger. I think many people do. The expectations seemed great, and without a firm knowledge of why to stick with it life it was tough to make correct choices. There were times that the decisions I did make were not the right ones for the simple reason that it was easier. This is probably the closest thing I get to a regret, but I still do not truly regret it because I learned so much...particularily about the Love our Saviour has for each of us.

I would probably throw something in there about how boys aren't worth ruining friendships over and how sometimes they will hurt you, but there is almost always something to learn from the situation. This was something that took me too long to realize...but it's so true!

I'm not sure if there's much else I would share. Maybe I wouldn't even say that much. Each experience I've gone through in my life has been something to learn from...and I'm not sure that the consequences of changing those events and not learning each individual lesson would be worth it. What do you think? What would you share with your younger self if you had the chance?

1 comment:

  1. You are so wise for one so young! I enjoy reading your insights.
