Friday, February 10, 2012

Billy Joel Love

Alright, just putting this out there...I think Billy Joel is wonderful!  Not only does he have a great story (it's not always easy to become famous), but I feel like he understands women.
I understand that that is a big claim, but have you ever heard the song "Tell her about it"?  If you haven't, you should!  Really, life is all about communication.  If you don't talk about things, seemingly important or unimportant, how are you ever going to get to know someone?  And once you know that person the communication needs to continue in order to grow together rather than apart.  This is true in any relationship, romantic or otherwise.
Then there's "She's got a way".  This song is the way to make any woman in your life feel special!  Maybe it's too sentimental for some people, but I absolutely love it.  Honestly...the song makes me melt.
He has so many other good ones too, and lots of fun ones, but those 2 are my absolute favourites...and I may listen to them way to much!  Are you a fan?  What are your favourite songs by him?

<3 Z