Monday, October 10, 2011

Today I Am Grateful For...

I have so very much to be grateful for at this time!  Never in a million years could I have imagined how my life would change over this last year, and I am grateful for every experience that I have had that's helped me to grow to the point that I am at now...and the people who have loved and supported me along my way.  Today I would like to share just a few of those things that I am most grateful for.  I will not be mentioning names, but chances are that if you're reading this you were a part of this for me in some way...and for that Thank You!

Today I am Grateful for my family...immediate, extended, and 'adopted'.  There are so many incredible people in my life...and for that I am truly blessed.  Whether you are a relation through blood, law, or choice I am soooooooooooo grateful for every one of you.  You make me want to be the best me that I can be.  Thank you for accepting me for who I am...including my many faults.  Thank you for taking me in, and making me feel important.  Thank you for your support.  And Thank You for loving me!

Today I am Grateful for my education...both formal, and life-taught.  Believe it or not my plan growing up was never to finish University...I was always going to meet a wonderful guy within my first couple of years, get married, and drop out of school to start a family.  I am so very thankful that someone had a better plan for me. Not only was I able to finish, but I am now planning to continue on 1 or 2 independent study courses at a time to get my BA in Psychology...not right away, but within the next couple of years.  No matter how far I continue my formal education though nothing will ever teach me more than what I have the privilege of doing every day of my life...and that is just living, and growing through my environments around me.  I have learned many things that nobody could teach me in any classroom...and although I've made many mistakes along the way I am truly grateful for every lesson I have had the opportunity to learn.  Thank you to all of my 'teachers' for your patience and support in this journey of life.

Today I am Grateful for my friends.  You are all wonderful!  Thank you for making me laugh, and listening to me, and helping me learn what's important in life.  Thank you for your love and your acceptance.  Thank you for not judging me based on appearance, or what others say.  Thank you for being who you are!

Today I am Grateful for my life...and I am grateful for every opportunity that I have been given in this last year to examine my life and re-plot my course.  There has been lots of heartache and pain along the way, but I know that I am a better and stronger me because of it!

Today I am also extremely Grateful for the testimony that I have of the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I have had many incredible experiences throughout my life, and most particularly this past year, that have led me to know without a doubt that Christ lives, and He loves each of us...and although He will never take away our agency He only wants the best for every one of us, and as long as we are willing to listen and follow with faith He will guide us along our path to live with Him again!

Today I am overcome with Gratitude for so many wonderful things and people...  Thank you all for the role that you play in my life.