So...some of you may be wondering where I have been, and why I haven't been writing lately. A lot has been happening in my life, the biggest of which would be my little sister's wedding...and my own wedding! It has been a busy, but amazing, few months for sure.
In fact this particular event of my wedding is what has pulled me back into the world of blogging for today though. I recently read a blog entry called "Why Married People Can't Have Friends" (find it at if you'd like to take a read). As you can imagine this title interested me as a soon to be married woman. Reading through it I definitely knew exactly what the writer was feeling. I spent 10 years in the LDS young single adult program prior to finding my husband. I watched many of my friends get married, and I felt left behind every time. I generally wanted nothing more than to be in their position...looking forward to starting a family and moving on from being single. Because of these years that I spent feeling this way I had a conversation with my husband early on in our relationship telling him that I was uncomfortable being overly "couple-y" at any YSA function...this included no holding hands at church, no "arm-around" at activities, no kissing at dances etc. I didn't want to be the one to make all of my current YSA friends feel how I had so many times before. Lucky for me I married an incredible man, and although he didn't love the hands off idea he said he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable, so he agreed to it. For the first month that we were engaged we weren't even living in the same province, so it wasn't overly hard.
Imagine my surprise then when very soon after we got engaged I began to find out about get togethers and activities after they happened. Not only that but somebody also removed me from the activity email list so that I was having to seek out information about even the regular happenings. When I inquired about all of this I was told that everyone just figured I was too busy to worry about coming to things anymore. I was put back on the email list, but still only really heard about other get togethers after the fact. When I invited people over very few people would show up. When I went to activities only a few close friends actually made an effort to talk to me.
So I feel the need to share my perspective as a newly-married-formerly-long-time-YSA. Yes, marriage is the goal. Yes, it is exciting and wonderful. No, I don't have any regrets at all. But despite all of that the transition was not an easy one. "Being Engaged" is a fancy way of saying "Being in limbo". It is a busy time trying to plan, and prepare for upcoming changes, but you're not married yet. It is not easy to be in limbo and wonder where you fit. Sometimes an understanding friend is all you really need. The consistency of the schedule that you're used to can also be a helpful distraction.
We survived it. We made it through, and we love being married. This is simply an information article to help those that will eventually get married. When they get engaged keep loving them. Keep being their friends. Remember that they are getting married, not dying. You don't need to separate yourself from them to make it hurt less...the weird "learning to do everything together" period doesn't last forever, and it won't be long before they are looking for some time out with you again.
It is all a matter of perspective!
<3 Z
Thanks for your honesy in sharing your social experiences with getting married! I appreciate your perspective and hope for others to learn from it :)