Thursday, August 8, 2013


I've never been very good at keeping up with a journal. I've really tried over the years! And sometimes I am better than others. It always seems like I get a good pattern going, and then life gets busy with all these things I really want to write about, and then I get behind, and overwhelmed, and I stop writing completely for a while. It's really sad, because there are moments of my life that I remember...but I would love to be able to go back and truly remember how I truly felt as it was happening.

A couple of months ago a local bookstore was going out of business, and I managed to find some pretty amazing deals. One treasure that I found was a "One Line a Day" journal. I love it sooooo much! It's giving me that opportunity to write a little bit each day, and get in some incredible reflection on my life, without getting overwhelming at all! My favourite part is that it forces me to be brief, so I write about the most important things without getting long winded...which is where I have typically failed in journaling in the past. I love the way it's set up! It is a 5 year journal with one day per as the years go by it will be really easy to see where I was at in my life a year before on that day. I am really looking forward to next year when I get to start that comparison! So far I have something written for every day since May 30...that's a total of 70 days! Definitely the most consistently I've ever written at any point in my life :)

I really know how important it is to keep a journal...not just to watch yourself learn and grow...but also so those coming after you will be able to see you on a personal, human, level. I write a lot about my feelings, and how certain situations effect me, because I think it's an important form of progress measurement.

I hope that I can continue to keep up with this one line a day journal for the next 5 years! It will be fun to look back! If you're like me, and have trouble keeping up with important things that happen in a regular journal try something like this's so easy!

<3 Z

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