Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Life is Wonderful!

It's been a few weeks since I've posted again...partly because I've been very busy and partly because there's been nothing overly incredible that has happened. I say that with some misgivings, because there has been an incredible change in me over the last few weeks, it's just been a gradual thing...not one or more 'life changing moments'.
I have found my key to being happy. Not happy-smiling-haha, but truly, deeply, peacefully happy. It's kind of hard to explain, but it's there. Maybe the best explaination I can give is just a lack of stress and worry over things that don't matter. Just taking into consideration only those things that have an eternal impact in my life, and letting everything else go. So someone said something rude to me at was just words. Or maybe someone cut me off as I was driving...I just slow down, because no one got hurt, so it was no big deal. It's an experiment that I've been working on...and I'm not perfect at it yet, but my daily life is so much better, easier, and happier these days. I've truly come to realize that we really never know what's going to happen tomorrow, or even today, so why should I waste time stressing over things that are meaningless? Instead I am using each precious moment I have been given to enjoy the life I'm living. On Sunday I saw a deer hopping/running across a frozen lake and into a meadow. It was so beautiful! And rather than being upset because the person driving in front of me was going slow, I was grateful that I was going slow enough to have had the chance to see it. It's mostly about just being content and at peace with whatever comes your way, rolling with the punches so to speak, and being grateful for the opportunities presented to each of us every day.
Try's worth it...and even if it doesn't work for you I can promise it won't hurt anything!

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