Well...it's all over. My 6 days of freedom, friendship and fun... I learned so much about myself (particularily how burnt out I was allowing myself to get...glad that's all fixed now!), and those around me. I really enjoyed building and strengthening old friendships and creating new ones.
I want to say thank you (for 6 things...one for every day of the trip) to...
Adam first off...For:
~ agreeing to the trip in the first place and being ok with me tagging along
~ being a fun travelling companion
~ bringing along Mad Libs
~ having awesome taste in music
~ doing so much of the driving...it was nice to have a break
~ being my friend...I'm sure it's not an easy thing, but I really appreciate you for who you are, and everything you have done for me this past year. I'm not sure you'll ever really know how much your friendship has meant to me, but just trust me that it's a lot!
~ making the choice to go on a mission
~ being such a cool person
~ being so thoughtful
~ having awesome taste in tons of things
~ re-introducing me to the world of Blogging
~ loving to take pictures
~ also making the choice to go on a mission
~ being so happy and full of laughter
~ having such a fun personality to be around
~ having such a beautiful smile
~ enduring through the pain of your foot to spend time making memories with us
~ letting me be a part of your "maiden voyage" in your car
~ staying up late to talk to me
~ making me feel so loved on my birthday
~ being so aware of those around you
~ giving me hope that everything will work out someday
~ the game, music book and CD
~ being so willing to include us
~ all of the many memories from your time spent out here
~ your great smile and laugh
~ letting us come over for some awesome food
~ being so thoughtful in remembering my birthday
~ making the choice to go on a mission
~ always being so honest
To everyone else that I have not mentioned...it's not that I'm not grateful to you...I'm just tired. A huge thanks to everyone who helped make this trip possible...and fun! I love you all and I will never forget all the wonderful times we've all had together :)
Hugs all around...
Thank you SO MUCH Z! It was a blast!